What does Doggie Doo Not! do?
We find, scoop and haul away dog poop anywhere a dog goes.
- kennels
- dog parks
- office grounds
- apartment complexes
- yards
How often does Doggie Doo Not! come?
We can come daily, weekly, monthly, once a year, or just for special occasions – it’s up to you.
How does Doggie Doo Not! charge?
Our prices are based on the size of the area, the number and size of dogs, and travel time.
Does Doggie Doo Not! offer a guarantee?
Yes. We work very hard to build a reputation of reliable, quality service. If there is an occasion when our work is not completely satisfactory, we will redo our work until it is.
How do I start Doggie Doo Not! service?
Just call us at (203) 323-2284 or email us and start enjoying your pooper scooper service today.
Does Doggie Doo Not! require a contract?
No. We start and stop the service over the phone. There is no minimum service period and no advance notice is required to cancel service.
Can your dog be in the yard when Doggie Doo Not! scoops?
Yes. In fact, we like the company, unless your dog is dangerous or makes scooping difficult.
How does Doggie Doo Not! dispose of the waste?
Dog waste is deposited at approved local landfills following all necessary guidelines. Unfortunately, there is no commercial use for dog waste as it is protein based and therefore not helpful to lawns.
Does Doggie Doo Not! require a contract?
No. We start and stop the service over the phone. There is no minimum service period and no advance notice is required to cancel service, provided we can reschedule.
Will Doggie Doo Not! give me a free estimate?
Yes. If you need a firm price, we will come to the site, otherwise we can give you a close estimate over the phone.
What area does Doggie Doo Not! cover?
We service customers throughout Fairfield and Westchester Counties.