Pooper Scooper Services
February 21, 2019
Pets doggiedoonot 0Sure, it doesn’t sound like the most glamorous job, but if you don’t want to do it, neither does anyone else. What does that mean? Business for you.
Sure, it doesn’t sound like the most glamorous job, but if you don’t want to do it, neither does anyone else. What does that mean? Business for you.
You know how it is… you’re walking the pooch in the middle of a howling blizzard and, well, who’s going to see if just this once you don’t pick it up?
Ashlee Nestor of Stamford says Doggie Doo Not, the pooper-scooper company she runs with her husband, Tom, has saved some marriages in Fairfield County.
Sometimes the slightest suggestion can resonate deeply in the head of an entrepreneur. Tom Nestor, a landscaper since 1988, once had a client ask if he could pick up after the dog before he cut the grass.